Jackson C-LRT-5/6A

Sunday, November 4, 2007


So I meant to post about this for awhile but never got around to it. A couple days ago, I was watching the History Channel (there was nothing on) and they had this show on a guy who lived in the early 1900's. He would fall asleep and if you asked him a question, like how to cure a certain disease, and he would answer it. For example, an 8 year old whos knee broke in a way that doctors thought the kid would never walk again, and the kid went the the seer dude, and he told him and the doctors to skick a nail in in. Back then, doctors didn't think this would work, but they did it, and the kid was able to walk within a month. The seer (his name was Edgar Cayce, or something like that) cured his wife's tuberculosis, predicted the Great Depression, when America would come out of the Great depression, WWII, and some other stuff I don't remember. What makes this even more amazing was this Edgar dude was illiterate! When giving treatments to diseases, he would use very specific medical terms, things only doctor would know. Could he really see into the future?